Please use this thread to introduce yourself to the other surgical trainees who are completing this programme.
Hello everyone, i am Basit a Clinical Fellow in Chelsea Westminster Hospital T&O Department.
Hi all, good afternoon!
I am Sandeep Pillai, SAS doctor in General and Colorectal Surgery at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust.
It was great to see you all yesterday at the Module 1 webinar. Unfortunately, I could not keep my video on as I was travelling.
Best wishes
Good evening all. I am Vishesh (ST3 T&O with the Mersey and Cheshire deanery). Look forward to learning from the course and from you all!
Hi there, My name is Dharshan and I'm a CT2 General Surgery in Wrexham. Apologies, coulndt keep the video on last week during the webinar as I was oncall. Looking forward to learning with everyone!